Is America Great yet?

I hope some Trump supporters rely on SNAP, as they may not get any next month. They voted for him, now they get the consequences.

Depends if somebody sues and wins, against his executive order.

Claims Social Security and Medicare won’t be affected. But we’ll see. Congress will allow Trump to do anything, they won’t impeach the criminal.

If I no longer get money, or my medicine paid for, I’ll probably move. Not sure it said anything about medicaid.

So if I’m asked why I don’t take my medicine, I’ll say, ask Trump.

No point in staying here if I have no money or medicine. Not to mention, they’ll evict people for not paying rent.

Glad I didn’t vote for Trump. I don’t vote for criminals, that should be in prison. If a Democrat dared do anything illegal, the republicans would gladly impeach them. I think Joe Biden should have declared an emergency, and stayed president, and fired congress and the senate. Use their own shitty medicine against them. Except, that would be against democracy, and those Trumpsters would go to war.

Well, they may have no food soon, don’t let me know how that works out. They can go wait in line at a food bank.

Project 2025 is coming to fruition.

Since Trump hates Democrats, can the Democrat states join Canada? Including California. That will decrease a lot of money for the federal government, so Trump will have even less money.

Paying a military plane instead of the ICE plane, costs way more. Over $800,000 I think for the military plane, and under $9,000 for ICE plane. And republicans think Democrats increase the debt. Nope, Trump does. Just like the rest of the republicans. Stop watching Fake News(Fox News), which is full of lies and conspiracy theories.

Yes more starving people and homeless people makes America great. According to republicans.

Trump should have said Save Trump, not America.

Oh and Apple and Google are fans of Trump, both donated to him. No more Apple products for me, if I ever need a new phone, it’ll be a cheap one most likely. Since there’s not a lot of options, that didn’t donate to a criminal. But I thought Apple had better values, so screw em, they can eat shit just like Trump. There’s always the Librem 5, do they like Trump too? Probably. You need the Liberty Phone. Only 2k.

Cheaper to get a cheap ass phone, like a dumb phone. They have cheap Android phones, that are junk. Beats paying Apple a penny.

User replaceable battery on the Librem 5. That might be worth the high cost. Having to find new apps, at least for Android, would be annoying. The Librem 5 is Linux, but not sure what apps are optimized for it, like the touch screen. Might have to give Apple dick money anyways, for the cheapest refurbished phone they sell. Probably won’t live long enough to need a new phone anyways. And refurbished iPhones aren’t cheap, more then I paid for my new one. They don’t have the SE or non Pro crap ones refurbished.

All those who donated and voted for Trump, are as shitty as Trump, as far as I’m concerned. You can’t say “I didn’t know he was going to do that”, as people have been pouting about Project 2025 since we found out about it. If you choose to not believe or listen to anything, that’s on you.

Ahh it’ll be nice when they wake up to a new reality, eggs are almost $10, so they got cheaper eggs. As more = cheaper in Trump world.

They will blame it on Biden, but he’s not in office, so that makes no sense. Blame it on the Trumpets Daddy, Donald Trump.

Oh and people die when they outlaw abortions, pro life my ass. That’s why politicians shouldn’t outlaw health procedures. And they violated the constitution by doing so, separation of state and church. The Supreme Court is now junk. They can’t outlaw or make it legal, it’s up to the individual. According to the constitution.

But they should outlaw all churches too. Why not? Unless it’s Christian Nationalism. They can outlaw me too, I don’t mind dying. Or fleeing to Canada, or better Europe. Maybe Denmark, at least they care about people there.

There’s a shit ton of horrible people in America. Just look at the real news, and see what they voted for. The TV news will become less real, all of it, as they will bow down to Trump too. Thanks Fake News(Fox News). Need news from another country in the near future.

And people might get SNAP next month, they have to do something by February 10th. Kind of hard to read on phone.

Yes medicaid is affected. He claims it’s temporary. Nice publicity stunt, not sure what the point of it is, other then to be a massive asshole. I blame all the people that voted for this.

Sweet, I might not have to take my medicine soon. Good luck getting a job without medicine, and that pays enough to pay for all the medicine, Mc. Donald’s isn’t going to work. I doubt they give you health insurance. One of my medicines might cost over 1k. The pay check is probably under 1k.

I think they should take away private health insurance too.