The butt hurt entitled babies, may have been trying to get me ten day notices, because there must have been old posts addressing their very own BS.
So they took to harass me, for something I clearly forgot all about.
They even got the office in on their pathetic little game. Treating me differently, by telling me shit I already know. Until they must have figured out they were being manipulated as well. Surprised they didn’t get a ten day notice and an eviction. Whoever was constantly monitoring this site and complaining about it. Or maybe that should be whatever instead of whoever.
They also manipulated most likely complete strangers, telling them about this site, and getting them to approach me and try talking to me. If you aren’t sure of something, you shouldn’t do it, not to mention, I have every right to change my mind about anything and everything.
Posting random BS and thoughts, and then people going out of their way, to try and make it come true, is manipulation.
I may have led one person on, but that was before I knew what was happening. Clearly this site never should have been public, because there’s a whole lot of Mormons. I had no proof they were reading it, once I did, I stopped posting certain things publicly. No I shouldn’t have led them on, nor post anything about them publicly, but I don’t really care anymore.
The bigger problem is, somebody that I don’t interact with at all, and haven’t for who knows how long, was clearly reading it. Somebody with mental illness of some kind, that clearly doesn’t take no for an answer. How did they remember which apartment I live in to knock on my door? I doubt they did, some Mormon told them.
Once strangers start knocking on your door, that isn’t good, nor is it safe.
If you can’t handle freedom of speech, don’t read anything.
Makes me wonder if some Mormon, made a fake dating profile, with my info on it, after I deleted mine. Wouldn’t surprise me. Clearly they have nothing better to do with their time. Less of a life then me, sad.
They also failed at getting me to completely get rid of my site, bummer eh? I still think I should post some disgusting images. But too lazy, and don’t have any.